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In the “Whedon Verse” there are many references to the black, the black that is the blackest of blacks that makes up those dark and scary vacuums so cold it is unbelievable and very hard to even imagine. The black hole is also another aspect that takes the mere blackness of the verse into a scarier darkness that even light cannot escape.
Our lives live in the black verse we call the, “Internet.” Like the very galaxies we are connected by the black to other galaxies much like we are all connected and interconnected to: our phones; our workstations; laptops; iPads; iPods; TiVo boxes; televisions and almost every single mechanical/electrical/electronic device known to modern man and their modern societies. The black hole is that part of the black that fills in the spaces where the more nefarious folks travel like “Reavers” wreaking havoc and instilling fear in the very hearts of everyone.
One day in the near future your phone, during a really great conversation or text thread, may just suddenly go black. Your adrenaline will pump causing your heart to go into your throat, you will get jittery; you will feel panic and then finally after you attempt reboots, etc., the fear will set it deep and without empathy to you or your life, a predatory resource or process event just occurred. You try your iPad, it is black too. You go about and check every single electronic internet connected device and every single one of them is black. You go by your bank where you have to deal with almost all mechanical type devices with only one human with a long line available to talk to about your plight. You wait in line, inquire about your accounts and then find out that those too fell into that black hole we call the darkest parts of the iVerse. You find out that you don’t exist anymore and even tho you are talking to a human being of flesh and blood standing right in front of you trying not to look you in the eyes, you don’t exist anymore.
Yes, this is maybe the worst thing that can happen to you. From my view, personally, falling into this black hole send chills up and down my spine and instills a fear beyond any fear or damage I could possible endure if physically attacked and gravely harmed. I would rather have my clock cleaned by someone’s fists because in that moment I can actually do something about it. I have trained and practiced for such an event and have far better chance of overcoming and defending then against the totally unknown where my life literally in a micro-second fell into the black hole of the internet hacker/predator.
We are human and therefore giving due thought and consideration to such things so far out of our control seems to cause us all to say, “It can’t happen to me.” We go blithely along experience an emotional high with every click of the mouse or button or key, etc. We fall into the emotional mode of instant gratification as if we were getting our very next fix, every second of every moment - moment to moment. We as humans don’t want or need to look beyond that next click-fix, we are all in heaven. Until … that one moment hits. Oh, my, what can we do?
First, is acceptance - to accept that our connectivity is like living in the wild west with no law, no enforcement and so little and ineffective protection we have to arm ourselves and find ways to have, understand and apply our own self-defense in a, “PROACTIVE” way to avoid, escape and evade the predatory nefarious bad guy hacking communities.
Second, is to become educated, at least fundamentally, so that we may understand the dangers we face out in the wild deep black of the iVerse. We must educate ourselves to the truth no matter how hard and scary it might be then we have to learn, practice and apply those iSD methodologies necessary to achieve some semblance of security and safety.
Third, is to achieve a strategy that will be there if you fall through that black hole. One that will let those who can help know that you are not dead but truly alive and well so that you can take steps to find solace in your situation and see a light on the other end of that black hole, a white hole, so you can travel back into the verse or life, different like coming out of a white hole into a new universe, but with confidence you can return to a state of economical and financial viability to continue living life as you were meant to do.
The black hole of space is scary and the scientists who are aware of it are still studying and working to find a way to live with it and to overcome it in some way so is the communities that are there trying to make the wild black of the iVerse safer for us to live and travel within BUT you CANNOT simply depend on those others to give you the protection and security and safety you need and deserve, that is your job and this is where you start. Right here and now, through acceptance of the reality of the technological age, by educating yourself to a state of understanding to create your own personal security strategies and tactics, and finally implementation of those strategies so you can detect and protect through avoidance before the intense gravity of the black hole pulls you into oblivion.
Welcome to the, “iSD Site!” I am glad you are coming along for the ride. Enter your safe secondary free email address so that you are notified when ever another article appears. Don’t hesitate to contact me to comment or ask questions.
The black does not have to be scary or dangerous but accept that it is today but less so by your actions in taking a proactive stance to your own safety and security.
Goodman, Marc. “Future Crimes: Everything is Connected, Everyone is Vulnerable and What We Can Do About It.” Doubleday. New York. 24 February 2015.
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